Do you have a lot of income, but also have a lot of debt? Do you own a business as a sole proprietor? Are you looking for an effective way to manage your debt? For some people, a Chapter 13 bankruptcy is a better option because it helps them to restructure their debt instead of completely wiping it away. A local Clarksville attorney that specializes in Chapter 13 law can help you determine the right course of action to take. Want to know more? Then take advantage of a free consultation right now!
For high income earners, a Chapter 13 bankruptcy is the only option there may be to effectively manage a high load of debt. To determine if you qualify as a high income earner, your income will be analyzed and compared to other households of your size in the state. If you are above the average income for a household of your size, you may be considered high income. A Clarksville attorney can help you look at your unique financial picture and determine if there are additional exemptions that may qualify you for a Chapter 7 bankruptcy instead.
For those who own a business, especially as a sole proprietor, a Chapter 13 bankruptcy is almost always the best way to go. That’s because a Chapter 13 bankruptcy can help you to:
Each financial situation is unique. A successful outcome in the past does not guarantee a successful outcome in your situation. To determine your best course of action, it is beneficial to speak with a Clarksville attorney who specializes in Chapter 13 bankruptcy law.
If you need to get a handle on your debt, then a Chapter 13 bankruptcy should be something that you’re considering right now. Imagine having no more stress, no more guilt about missing a payment, and no more shame because you’ve fallen so far behind. A Clarksville attorney who specializes in this form of bankruptcy can help you get back on the right track! To find out more, be sure to take advantage of the free, no obligation consultation being offered right now. Request a Free Initial Consultation Online or Call Our Offices to schedule your same day in person meeting with one of our bankruptcy lawyers.
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