Did you negotiate a child custody agreement that seemed good at the time? Have your circumstances changed and now you need a modification of this agreement? With a Clarksville attorney representing your rights, there is a good chance that your current agreement can have a modification made to it in the near future. Contact us today to see how our team could help you – the initial consultation is free!
In Tennessee, you simply can’t just petition the court for a modification to a child custody agreement. You must first enter a mediation process to determine what circumstances have changed since the initial custody agreement was finalized. Based on the mediation process, a recommendation will be sent before the judge to determine if the agreement should be modified.
In order to effectively communicate the changes that have happened which have spurred you towards a modification, you need experienced representation that will communicate these changes to all parties. The law mandates that the best interests of a minor child are always served, so if there are changes that will benefit your child, there is a high probability that a modification will be awarded.
Unfortunately the court does not view every change as a qualification for the modification of a child custody agreement. Your Clarksville attorney can help you determine what changes may qualify for a request to mediate. Those may include:
In Tennessee, the standard of changing a child custody agreement is that a significant change must have occurred. We’ll help you look at your unique circumstances, see if what has happened may qualify as a significant change, and then proceed with you each step of the way during the modification process.
Family issues that involve children can be difficult, complex, and emotional. To protect your rights, you need local and effective representation from a Clarksville attorney who is experienced in these matters. Contact us today to see how we can help you or if you have questions about your specific situation – the first consultation is always free! Request a Free Initial Consultation Online or Call Our Offices to schedule your in person same day appointment with one of our experienced child custody attorneys.
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